September 8, 2024
Exploring Different Leadership Styles: Finding Your Leadership Identity

Leadership is a complex idea that includes different ways of thinking, styles, and approaches. In organisational management, the leader inspires, guides, and motivates the team to accomplish shared objectives. Aspiring leaders who want to establish their leadership identity and positively influence the workplace to familiarise themselves with the different Leadership and Management Styles. We will discuss Leadership and Management Styles in this blog, examine various approaches to leadership and offer advice on developing your leadership style.

For professional and personal development, it is essential to comprehend the specifics of various leadership styles, whether you are an experienced leader seeking to improve your approach or a future leader planning to begin your leadership journey. A thorough familiarity with leadership styles is also essential for individuals seeking more advanced credentials in the field, such as the ILM Level 5 Certification.

Table Of Contents

  • The Importance of Understanding Leadership Styles
  • Exploring Different Leadership Styles
  • Finding Your Leadership Identity
  • Conclusion

The Importance of Understanding Leadership Styles

Leadership styles significantly impact how an organisation is perceived, how teams work together, and how well individuals and the group perform. When it comes to the efficiency of an organisation, every leadership style has advantages and disadvantages. By studying other leadership styles, individuals can learn much about their leadership style, preferences, and strengths and weaknesses. Further, leaders can be more effective and versatile when they know the various leadership styles. This is because leaders can then modify their approach based on the specifics of each circumstance.

Exploring Different Leadership Styles

Transformational Leadership

Visionary leadership, inspiring motivation, intellectual stimulation, and personalised consideration are the hallmarks of transformational leadership. By sharing an inspiring vision, encouraging creativity and innovation, and giving followers the tools they need to succeed, transformational leaders propel their teams to new heights of performance. Fostering a culture of continual improvement, increasing employee engagement, and driving organisational change are all areas where transformational leadership shines.

Transactional Leadership

The goal of transactional leadership is to achieve organisational goals through the use of incentives and punishments to motivate employees. A transactional leader sets objectives, communicates those objectives clearly, and then uses performance to determine whether followers receive rewards or punishments. A transactional relationship between leaders and followers may limit intrinsic motivation and long-term commitment, but it can effectively achieve short-term objectives and maintain order and stability.

Servant Leadership

In a servant leadership style, the leader puts the needs of their followers first, putting their team members’ happiness and growth first. Servant leaders lead with modesty, compassion, and empathy; they want to empower others, earn trust, and make the workplace supportive. The premise of servant leadership is that leaders can gain followers’ loyalty, encourage teamwork, and propel their organisations to greater heights by putting others’ needs before their own.

Democratic Leadership

Democratic leadership, often called participative leadership, encourages team members to actively participate in decision-making by sharing their ideas, asking for feedback, and considering different viewpoints. Team members are urged to share their ideas and expertise in problem-solving and decision-making by democratic leaders who prioritise collaboration, openness, and inclusivity. Team members are more invested, motivated, and fulfilled under democratic leadership because they feel more ownership over their work.

Autocratic Leadership

A leader practising autocratic leadership makes all the critical decisions alone and gives subordinates the run when carrying out their duties and responsibilities. The decision-making process is tightly controlled by despotic leaders, who demand complete obedience and compliance from their team members. Autocratic leadership has its advantages, such as fast decision-making and simplified execution, but it also has the potential to restrict team members’ initiative, creativity, and innovation.

Finding Your Leadership Identity

Reflecting on your leadership preferences, strengths, beliefs, values, and character is essential in developing your leadership identity. It calls for reflection of one’s nature, openness to one’s truth and vulnerability, and self-awareness. Think about these steps to figure out who you are as a leader:

Evaluate Yourself

Reflect on your leadership experiences, successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Identify your strengths, weaknesses, values, and areas for development as a leader.

Explore Different Leadership Styles

Learn the ins and outs of various leadership styles. Think about your leadership aspirations, personal preferences, and values about each style.

Seek Feedback

If you want to know how your leadership style affects others, ask your teammates, mentors, and classmates for their thoughts. Always strive to improve yourself by listening to and acting upon constructive criticism.

Experiment and Adapt

Try various leadership styles and methods in multiple settings to see what works best. Change your approach to leadership depending on what’s required, your team’s strengths and weaknesses, and the goals you have set for yourself.

Embrace Continuous Learning

As a leader, you should prioritise learning new things and constantly improve your skill set. To further your knowledge of leadership styles and hone your leadership abilities, you should seek opportunities for professional development like leadership training programmes, seminars, and certifications like the ILM Level 5 Certification.


You must investigate various leadership styles to discover your identity and develop into a natural and effective leader. One way people can grow as leaders, adapt to new circumstances, and make a difference is by learning the subtleties of various leadership styles and how they affect organisational effectiveness. The key to inspiring, motivating, and empowering others to achieve common goals and objectives is embracing your unique leadership identity and leveraging your strengths. This applies whether you resonate with transformational leadership, servant leadership, democratic leadership, or another leadership style. An individual’s leadership identity and impact on their organisation and community can be developed via self-awareness, introspection, and ongoing learning.

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